The iron ore deposit of “Piedra del Gigante”, in the Department of Lavalleja, has been known for a long time. In 1916, it was already described as one of the most important, since there was talk of a 4 to a 10 meter vein that was pursued intermittently for several kilometres.
This deposit is located in the department of Lavalleja, about 40 kilometres east of the city of Minas, on the right bank of the Arroyo de Molles, a tributary of the Aiguá stream, on its left bank.
General geology
The iron ore outcrop of Piedra del Gigante is located within the rocks of the Mine Series, belonging to the Proterozoic. The area known as Carapé presents numerous occurrences of iron mineralizations, several of them constituting exploitable deposits, which today constitutes a notorious activity in the area.